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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

The East is right there: Chinese Transformers now have complete Treetech monitoring solution

The month of June was a milestone for Treetech. The Brazilian company – specializes in sensors and systems for monitoring electrical assets – completed the first part of the commissioning of Chinese company NARI’s transformers. In addition, technicians from Asian multinational received training for proper installation and use of the sensors.

The trade representative Rodrigo Silva and application engineer Leandro Fumache were assigned to approach this step between the companies. While Silva was responsible – since 2015 – the commercial negotiations with the Chinese, Fumache applied his experience with the Treetech solution in training NARI officials and commissioning of the first two transformers (one of 41.67 MVA and one 30 MVA) a total of 22, sold by the Chinese to a great south American concessionaire.

Treetech representatives, Rodrigo Silva (left) and Leandro Fumache, in front of NARI, at Nanjing

There were approximately 20 days in Shandong province, specifically in the city of Jinang, which has over three million inhabitants and is where is the factory of NARI. Representatives of Treetech also met with the Chinese at the company headquarters, located in Nanjing, in Jiangsu Province, with the aim of exploring new partnerships in the coming years.

The entire line of Treetech sensors – MBR, MO, AVR, TM, BM, DI, PI, IDM, SPS, LAD and GMP – is being installed in each of the transformers. Each sensor will also have data collected by sigma4net, the Brazilian company own software that allows the user to collect data and generate information on his computer screen.

Visit to Guangzhou and more business in sight

Responsible for prospecting new business in the eastern country, Rodrigo Silva also went to the city of Guangzhou, Guangdong province, city where is the German Siemens Chinese subsidiary.

In the coming months, 12 transformers of the company, made on Chinese soil, would carry Treetech sensors. The technical visit served to discuss the projects in progress and, as in the case of NARI, for the analysis of more agreements in Asian territory.

Recognized worldwide for its pioneering technology in sensors and systems for monitoring electrical assets, Treetech, a company based in Atibaia-SP, is present in over 50 countries with more than 80,000 products sold on every continent.

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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