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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

Along approximately 2,400 km, the Rio Madeira transmission line (Abengoa) is responsible for connecting the new Jirau and Santo Antônio hydroelectric power plants, in the North of the country, to the southeastern region, the biggest consumer of electric power in Brazil. Built to operate in HVDC (high voltage direct current system), it generates 3,150 MW available power.

With an over 500 kV voltage worth equipment, it cannot afford service interruptions, and therefore it requires high investments in technical solutions to mitigate risks in its system.

In it, the only technology in the world that is able to monitor bushings in HDVC online was installed: the unique BM Bushing Monitor by Treetech. By constantly monitoring bushing insulation state (capacitance, power factor and leakage currents) the maintenance and operation crews will make sure the transmission keeps uninterrupted, avoiding catastrophic failures.

In all, there are 14 bushings being monitored online in real time. This is an exclusive Treetech solution increasing productivity in the biggest transmission line in the world.

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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