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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

With cases of success accumulated in its history, the efficiency and differentials of the Bushing Monitor became subject of study and demonstrations in the academic universe, with scientific articles and seminars. At first, the studies crossed Brazil at the main congresses of the electric sector. The papers then arrived in the United States and Europe.

In 2005, the first article on the Bushing Monitor was published in  “Eletricidade Moderna”, magazine of the segment, of Aranda Editora. The issue no. 373 of the magazine presented the text signed by Treetech: “On-Line Condensing Bushing Monitoring – Working Principle”. That was the arrival of the company in the academic universe, to be exhaustively exploited in the following years.


In 2007, the first articles were published as outcome of partnerships. In May, the “On-line Capacitance and Tangent Delta Monitoring for Condensive Bushings” was presented at the XII ERIAC, in Foz do Iguaçu-PR, in conjunction with CEMIG. In a partnership with Furnas, Treetech presented, in October of that year, “Experience with Online Monitoring of Capacitance and Tangent Delta of Condensive Bushings”, at the XIX SNPTEE, in Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

Two years later, Treetech once again went to Foz do Iguaçu to present “Field experience with on-line DC bushing monitoring In HVDC system at Ibiúna Substation”, in another partnership with Furnas, at HVDC Users’ Conference 2009.

Still in 2009, the first steps out of the country: the article “Experience with Online Monitoring of Capacitance and Tangent Delta of Condensive Bushings” was presented, once again in a partnership with Furnas, at the VIII Weidmann Annual Technical Conference, in New Orleans – USA. To seal the year, Treetech debuted in Europe with the same article, this time being presented at the International Colloquium Transformer Research and Asset Management, in Cavtat, Croatia.logo_cigre

Already counting on international experience, Treetech returned to Brazil in 2011 with a new paper: article “Rapid and very rapid evolution of bushing flaws detected by online monitoring” was presented at the XXI SNPTEE, in Florianópolis-SC, in a partnership with Eletrobrás.

In the following year, Treetech was selected by the Brazilian Committee for CIGRÉ to present the same article in the Biennial Session of CIGRÉ, in Paris, one of the most important events of the electric sector worldwide.

Treetech made a new partnership with Cemig in 2013, to present “Failure prevention in a 525 kv three-phase transformer through delta tangent online monitoring of bushings” at the XXII SNPTEE, in Brasília-DF.

In conjunction with Engie, Treetech also published, in 2016, “Comparison of the Efficacy of Off-Line Tests vs. On-Line Monitoring of Bushings for Failure Detection – Field Experience”, an article presented at the VIII Workspot, in Recife-PE.

By clicking on the names of each article, you can read them in full. Check below other special articles on the 15 years of the Bushing Monitor.

With an innovative solution, Treetech achieves the mark of 3,000 monitored bushings around the planet

The successful path of the Bushing Monitor – counted in cases

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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