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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

In addition to the Olympic Substation, which was built specifically for the holding of Olympics, all the electricity distribution network in Rio de Janeiro has been modernized, meeting requirements of the IOC (International Olympic Committee) to avoid failures and facilitate relocation, if any problem occur. Among the substations that have gone through this restructuring, two will also have Treetech technology for monitoring assets: SE Leme and SE Itapeba.

In SE Leme are two transformers with power of 40 MVA monitored by Sigma4net, which receives Temperature Monitor – TM1 data, voltage regulator relay – AVR and Bushing Monitor – BM.

In Itapeba, which has three transformers with power of 40 MVA, Treetech also monitors the presence of hydrogen in the insulating oil with GMP.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Roberto Castro/

Benefits for all and legacy for Rio de Janeiro population

This monitoring system allows our company to supervise in real time the condition of the power transformers from the Olympic Substation and Light transmission system. This is very important, since we are facing the greatest sporting event on the planet and we have to minimize the risk of a supply failure. The technology of Treetech sensors enables predictive monitoring thus possible faults are detected before they become a problem and makes way to act preventively quickly to correct, “said Márcio Ridolfi, Light technical superintendent of High Voltage.

Accustomed to major projects, Treetech celebrates the chance to participate in an event of such magnitude, contributing to the efficiency of energy distribution during competitions.

“Treetech is proud to collaborate with such an important project for Rio de Janeiro, where the electrical system of the city will be so demanded. We believe that the union of the technical competence of Light and the advanced technology in monitoring electrical assets of Treetech is a perfect match for the efficiency of the energy planning of the Olympic Games, “said Ademir Alves engineer, responsible for negotiations between the two companies since 2013, when the project was still on paper.

Recognized worldwide for its pioneering technology in sensors and systems for monitoring electrical assets, Treetech, a company based in Atibaia-SP, is present in over 50 countries with more than 80,000 products sold in all continents.

All the power distribution system of Rio de Janeiro – as well as various tourism hot spot – has been renewed. Photo: Rio de Janeiro City Hall.

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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