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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

Innovation, successful cases, Science, exclusivity. All these factors attest the victorious history of Treetech’s Bushing Monitoring, in its fifteen years of existence. In addition, large projects are a constant in the BM history. In this fifth text, we will speak specially of two of them, maybe the most marking.


The transmission line of Madeira River (Abengoa) is responsible for connecting the hydroelectric plants of Jirau and Santo Antônio, in the north of the country, with the southeast region, largest consumer of electric power in Brazil. Built to operate at HVDC (DC system), it stretches for approximately 2,400 km, with 3,150 MW of available power.

With machines having more than 500 kV of voltage and without margin to interruptions, a substantial investment was made in technical solutions to mitigate risks in the system. The Bushing Monitor appeared exactly as part of this investment.

For it is the only and exclusive technology in the world capable of providing the online monitoring of HVDC bushings, in 2005 the Bushing Monitor was chosen to constantly monitor the insulation condition of the bushings (capacitance, power factor, and leakage currents) of the so-called “Linhão do Madeira”. Thus, the maintenance and operation teams will have the safety of continuity of the transmission, avoiding failures of large proportions.

Overall, there is in total 14 bushings with real time monitoring, increasing the reliability of the world’s largest transmission line.



On November 14, 2012, the issue of no. 220 of the Federal Official Gazette made it public that Treetech was awarded winner of a bidding procedure to monitor 400 bushings of Eletronorte in the North and Mid-West regions of the country. That imposed a great challenge to Treetech: complete another major project with excellency.

In addition to the 400 bushings, other large numbers were presented: 25 substations in seven different states. In Pará, the substations Guamá, Utinga, Marabá, Vila do Conde, Tucuruí, Rurópolis and Altamira; in Maranhão, São Luís I and II, Imperatriz, Presidente Dutra, and Miranda; in Acre, Rio Branco; in Tocantins, Miracema and Colinas; in Roraima, Boavista; in Mato Grosso, Coxipó, Barra do Peixe, Jauru, Sinop, and Rondonópolis; and, finally, Porto Velho, Ji-Paraná, Abunã, and Vilhena, in Rondônia.

Each substation required installation, commissioning, and training of the technical staff on the Bushing Monitor. It took four years and a half of hard of work to conclude all stages – the last phase ended in June 2017.

The large demand brought achievements to Treetech, which incremented its own training methods, prepared more engineers and technicians to perform them, and developed even more its planning capacity, achieving its goal, and serving with quality one of the largest companies of the Brazilian electric sector.

This is the fifth special article on the 15 years of the Bushing Monitor. Click the titles below to check the other four.

With an innovative solution, Treetech achieves the mark of 3,000 monitored bushings around the planet

The successful path of the Bushing Monitor – counted in cases

How Science explains the success achieved by Bushing Monitor

Proven pioneerism: the patents of the Bushing Monitor

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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