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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

On December 12, Treetech Sistemas Digitais, from Atibaia, received the Exporta, São Paulo, 2016 Award from the São Paulo Trade Association (ACSP) and the Federation of Commercial Associations of the State of São Paulo (Facesp). The award was granted in partnership with the Technological Research Institute (IPT), through its Technological Export Support Program (Progex). Treetech won in the category “product and technology suitability for export”.

The honor – which reached the 12th edition – is given to micro, small and medium-sized producers, based on evaluations of their export performance made by the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade (MDIC). It is the third time that Treetech has been honored – it has already won the award in 2008 and 2012.

“Recognizing that exports should play a very important role in the resumption of the country’s growth, we intend to strengthen this project in 2017, exploring better the areas with gains in competitiveness, for example, facilitating access to markets and rationalization of door-to-door logistics”, said José Cândido Senna, award-idealizer and coordinator of ACSP’s Ports and Airport Users Committee.

IPT and Progex representatives presented the award to Treetech

For Mari Katayama, Progex coordinator, the award encourages companies to supplant export challenges: “We help entrepreneurs to overcome non-tariff barriers imposed by importing countries, especially technical requirements.”

The award is a recognition of Treetech’s continuous effort to improve its product, which is increasingly consolidating abroad. In the last two years, sales to the international market accounted for 36% of all company revenue.

With innovation in its DNA, Treetech continues to develop solutions for the monitoring of electrical systems, seeking to attract the interest of new markets, adapting to new requirements and different types of customers. Thus, new products should be launched in the coming years.


Treetech was founded in 1992 and started exporting seven years later, never retreat from the foreign market. Today, the company sells to more than 20 countries annually. Altogether, more than 90 thousand sensors and 400 systems are in operation in the world, in all the continents.

Lucas Fritoli, Rodrigo Silva e João Victor Miranda (da esquerda para a direita) representaram a Treetech, que recebeu o prêmio na categoria “adequação de produtos e tecnologia para exportação”

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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