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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

New, pioneer, confirmedly efficient, part of gigantic projects. The Bushing Monitor was a successful bet of Treetech, becoming a sales leader and a case of success of the company in the monitoring of electrical assets, helping to consolidate in the Market and to spread throughout the world.

If the number of monitored bushings may be counted – achieving an extraordinary number, the return of the BM to Treetech is unmeasurable. From the success of this product, the company grew, invested in research, developed new products, with further achievements.

This result only increases the certainty of Treetech that the investments in Research and Development of its products are always worth it. Pioneer in the market of intelligent sensors to electrical assets, Treetech later developed a series of software for the online monitoring of such equipment (Sigma ECM®) and their advanced management (Sigma EAM®).

Currently, Treetech counts on a network of sales in a dozens of countries around the world. Overall, there are more than 90 thousand IEDs sold, and more than 400 systems spread in all continents, in more than 50 countries.

This is the sixth and last special article on the 15 years of the Bushing Monitor. To check the other five, clink the links below:

With an innovative solution, Treetech achieves the mark of 3,000 monitored bushings around the planet

The successful path of the Bushing Monitor – counted in cases

How Science explains the success achieved by Bushing Monitor

Proven pioneerism: the patents of the Bushing Monitor

Structured planning: how the Bushing Monitor helped Treetech to integrate great projects

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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