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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

Furnas modernizes its parallelism system with Treetech technology

The parallelism system for power transformers equipped with shunt taps under load has traditionally been done by an electro-mechanic panel, with analog indication of TAP position and manual tap change. This project is…

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Bushings Monitoring in Serra da Mesa – Furnas

It is widely known that bushings are one of the main failure points in transformers and power reactors, a concern increased with the occurrence of many failures in the last years, some followed…

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Treetech conducts temperature monitoring in the largest cities in Peru

Temperature Monitoring – Luz del Sur – Lima Nowadays, Peru is experiencing a significant transformation of its history. Social and economic reforms are contributing to one of the highest levels of global growing.…

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Installation of automatic voltage regulators and operation in parallel by circulating current method with Treetech AVR, Electronorte (ENSA) – Peru

ELECTRONORTE S.A. – ENSA, a distribution company located in the north Peru, attends more than 256 thousand clients around Lambayeque, Amazonas and part of Cajamarca, decided to change its automatic voltage regulation system,…

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Braskem group bets on reliability and the unit PP04 from the city of Mauá implements online monitoring

The inspection, maintenance and safety procedures promoted by NR10 at Braskem’s PP04 plant brought the opportunity of improving processes and using new technologies for keeping the productive continuity. As rule in the group,…

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Monitoring of High Voltage Bushing – Tangent Delta elevation and Failure Prevention

The case and the customer The Mesquita Substation is located in the city of Santana do Paraíso - MG, close to the city of Ipatinga, in the eastern region of Minas Gerais. This…

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Subestação Móvel ABB para Bandeirante Energia

Digitizing System Smart Trafo

Bandeirante Energia S.A is one of the country’s main energy distribution companies, responsible for supplying 28 municipalities of the State of São Paulo, addressing 4 million consumers in one of Brazil’s most developed…

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Single supplier of temperature monitors to WAPA

WAPA (Western Area Power Administration) transmits power to the 15 States in the Central and West regions of the United States, as we can see in the side map. The company is one…

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Petrobras invests $ 5.4 billion in Repar’s output capacity

Seeking to increase product quality and output capacity at the Refinaria Presidente Getúlio Vargas (Repar), which currently answers for 12% of the national production of oil products Petrobras has invested $ 5.4 billion…

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SE da planta de Polietileno da Braskem de Cubatão

Braskem Cubatão unit performs complete maintenance in its plant and increases the reliability of its electrical system

At every three years, the Braskem industrial plant of polyethylene stops its activities for general inspection and maintenance of its premises. Machines and structures are inspected, in addition to the conditions of the…

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Adaptador de TAP do Monitor de Buchas-BM

ECTE in partnership with Treetech promotes improvement of the Blumenau substation facilities

The ECTE, first member of the TBE Group, started operating in March 2002 and currently integrates the power transmission system in the State of Santa Catarina. This company covers approximately 252.5 km with…

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Technology ensures the Country development

To ensure the storage and transport of oil & by-products, biofuels and natural gas throughout the Brazilian territory, Transpetro (Petrobras Transportes S.A.) invested in the improvement of its electrical system. Controlled by Petrobras,…

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Alumar Sigma Monitoring System

Alumar, Aluminum Consortium of Maranhão, located in the city of São Luis, is one of the world’s largest alumina and aluminum production complexes. Construction of the complex started in 1980 and operations began…

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Pakistan receives transformers with Intelligent Electronic Sensors (IEDs) from Brazil

This a project linking the networks of NTDC (National Transmission & Power Dispatch Company) and KESC, main companies in the electric energy sector acting in generation, transmission and distribution of energy to the…

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Deployment of Treetech IEDs in Wind Turbine Park

In the last decades, there has been a huge evolution in the technology for transforming Wind Energy into Electric Energy. Countries like Denmark, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Spain already have bold programs to…

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Odessaoblenergo Monitoring System – Ukraine

The Odessaoblenergo energy utility is responsible for supplying electric energy throughout the entire Odessa Region, Ukraine, with a daily transmission average of 660MW, reaching close to 1,000MW in peak moments. The energy is…

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Eletrosul SS Campos Novos – 2 525kV Banks Monitoring System

Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas do Sul do Brasil, expanded Campos Novos substation making it the most important one strategically for the Southern region of the Country. This expansion provides further flexibility and operational safety,…

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Sigma Monitoring System for Trafo Equipamentos Elétricos S/A

Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas designed the Itajaí 2 substation to meet the demand of the east of the state of Santa Catarina and deliver energy with quality and reliability to 1.1 million inhabitants. The…

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CEMIG monitors condensive Bushings using a Treetech System

CEMIG’s - Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais (State of Minas Gerais Power Utility Company) strategic location and large market serviced place it among Brazil’s largest and most important power utility services. CEMIG’s concession…

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SDG&E, in the USA, deploys Treetech Sensors and IEDs for On-Line Monitoring and Control of Transformers and Reactors

Since 2003, the company San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E), in San Diego, California, has used Treetech on-line transformer monitoring and control systems with a view to increasing operating safety for two single-phase…

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Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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