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Smart Solutions for Smart Grids

Eletrosul Centrais Elétricas do Sul do Brasil, expanded Campos Novos substation making it the most important one strategically for the Southern region of the Country. This expansion provides further flexibility and operational safety, improving the energetic quality and optimizing the energy flow between Southern and Southeastern regions.

Campos Novos substation is largely important for the energetic supplying of Rio Grande do Sul state and Western region of the state of Santa Catarina, due to its strategic location in the Midwestern region of Santa Catarina, and by the interconnection of that state to Rio Iguaçu generating park through transmission lines at 525kV class. This substation is in charge of the flowing of the electric power generated by Hydro-Electric Power Plants of Campos Novos and Barra Grande.

The expansion adds new transformers banks, 525/230 kV, 672 MVA (3×224). This equipment was provided by the company Areva T&D, traditional transformers manufacturer with headquarters in the state of SP and RS. The first bank of transformers started operation in December, 2006. However, the second bank started operating in March, 2007, replacing an old bank and doubling the installed power.

Treetech Sistemas Digitais provided to Eletrosul, through Areva, a monitoring system able to monitor six new machines. This system currently integrates temperature, moisture, gases, charging and  switching information, besides monitoring the transformer’s protections, such as Buchholz and membrane relays, and other signs of warnings and shut-downs.

The system runs in a server at the control room, and it is interconnected to the field through optical fiber, electrically isolating the system from the equipment installed close to the transformer. All the system’s information are available at Electrosul Intranet, and they can be remotely verified from anywhere within the company’s facilities.

Trainings were applied to Electrosul’s representatives on the monitoring system. Initially, a theoretical training was provided at Areva’s facilities, in the city of Canoas. After the conclusion of the system’ start up works, other training was performed on the operation and functionalities of the IEDs and System, performed at the Campos Novos substation itself, being able to directly interact with the equipment installed at the SS.

Scope of the Supplying to Electrosul, Campos Novos SE, through Areva:

1 – Sensors (IED) integrated to the Monitoring System:

  • Temperature Monitors, TM1 and TM2;
  • Temperature Monitor, DTM;
  • Voltage Regulation Relays, AVR;
  • Bushing Monitors, BM;
  • Moisture Monitors, MO;
  • Membrane Breach Relay, MBR;
  • Data acquisition and DM control modules for remote monitoring of the contacts status.

2 – Sigma Monitoring Software for the transformers:

  • Digitalization of the main measurements of the sensors installed at the transformer;
  • Refrigeration Maintenance Module;
  • OLTC Maintenance Module;
  • Insulation Aging Module;
  • Final Gradient Module;
  • Chromatography Module;
  • Physical-Chemical Essay Module;
  • Refrigeration Efficiency Module;
  • Temperature Differential Module;
  • Motor Torque Module;
  • Paper Moisturizing Module;
  • OLTC Moisturizing Module;

3 – Services:

  • Follow-up (commissioning) of the IEDs facilities and interconnections necessary for the operation of the Monitoring System;
  • Server’s installation and configuration;
  • Software’s installation and configuration;
  • Inspection Plan and Tests during the system’s implantation;
  • Training on software operation for Electrosul’s representatives.

Project’s Highlights:

The system is under continuous operation since December, 2006.

Treetech Tecnologia
Rua José Alvim 112
Atibaia – SP
Cep 12940–750

Tel +55 (11) 2410 1190

Cel +55 (11) 98775 0708


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